About Lisa


Conscious Leadership Training Programs

Lisa is a business consultant and executive coach for women in tech. Specializing in conscious leadership, she combines her background in technology, business, spirituality, and yoga to offer a unique perspective for women seeking to optimize their lives and step into their fullest potential as female leaders serving the collective.

Having already found success as a digital marketing consultant and business coach, she decided she wanted something more aligned with her purpose: elevating mission-driven female leaders. As a result, she shifted her focus to conscious leadership coaching and consulting for women in tech. The success and happiness of her clients is her why.


Create the life you desire

You are more than your work. While many professional women in the fast-paced world of tech struggle with work life integration, stress, and burnout, Lisa believes that there is a better way. By tapping into a wide range of experiences, she guides her clients through a transformative process using her signature 360° wellness framework which encompasses the four key aspects of a truly fulfilling life:


Your Foundation

Gain a sense of safety, stability and security through your foundational elements of health and fitness, career and finances, and home and environment.



Your Relationships

Cultivate deep, meaningful connections and authentic relationships of love, communication and understanding with a close circle of supportive friends, family, and loved ones.


Play & Rest

Infuse your life with joy and laughter while making time for activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment to create a lifestyle that reflects your passions, hobbies, and interests.


Your Inner Life

Live mindfully in the present moment to find inner peace as you combine your unique gifts and talents to create an authentic, purpose-driven life that aligns with your values.



Visualize. Strategize. Create.